Welcome to polympact

POLYMPACT characterizes the functional impact of multiple common inherited variants combining and integrating in a unique environment tissue and cell-line level functional element data evidence, the landscape of changes observed in transcription factor binding motif scores, and the effect of variants on transcript levels of genes in healthy human tissues. 


Visual representation

Our resource provides tabular and visual reports that can be used to explore and understand the possible effects of the variants 

Network Models

Polympact builds innovative network models that can provide useful insights into the landscape of variants similarities and interactions between variants and genes.

Rest API

Data can be programmatically accessed to be analyzed offline

Polympact Statistics

Variants 18.683.752
Tissues 42
Cell Lines 238
Functional Elements 755
Motifs 5424
Genes 19.971
PPI interactions230.245


1.0 Polympact launch
1.1 New protein-protein interaction networks

Need help?

If you are interested in using polympact please check our manual and our rest API documentation